Sunday, October 30, 2011

Starting Over (I began with rappelling)

Hey guys, I meant to post this on Friday..sorry about that!

Thursday night, I went to bed around 2:00 am hoping that the coming day would bring a chance to start over. All the youth at my church, and a few of their parents, went on a rappelling trip Friday at Red Rock Canyon. When I woke up at 6:00 am Friday morning and remembered what I had ahead of me, I was excited and nervous at the same time. I think we all were..when we got there, it was FREEZING! I actually wore a scarf! lol
Everyone arrived, and our instructor (Mike) started talking to us about his experience, how many people he had rappelled with, when he started, etc. He gave some guidelines, like leaving your cell phone behind (so it doesn't ring while your about distraction!) and putting our hair up so it doesn't get caught.
He had us do some crazy stuff! We all had to come up with our "rappelling name".
Let me list them:

Mike (the instructor)-Marvelous Mike
Joseph Miller-Jolly Jo;)
Josh Waitman-Jammin' Josh (or Taco, or Pepe, or Jammin-quack, or stupid-kid-who-throws-water-in-my-face)
Dave-Dynamic Dave
Gabriel-Generally Gabriel
Israel Waitman-Watchman Israel
JC Polliard-Epic JC!
Ron Wilson-Rockin' Ron (woot woot!)
Rylan Miller-Radical Rylan (he's rad, yo)
Isaac Waitman-Intelligent Isaac *taps finger on head*
Brendon Polliard-Bravo Brendon (he should've been BEDHEAD Brendon;) )
Elisha Miller-Excellent Elisha (but you'll always be Johnboy)
Payton Wilson-Positively Petie:)
Taylor Ball-Totally Taylor! (like, totally!)
Myrriah Miller-Musical Myrriah (laaaaaaa)
Hannah Waitman-Hopping Hannah (HOP!)
Me (Gabby McGee)-Great Gabby (great Gabby, its a spider!!)

My first time rappelling was scary, but by the time I was halfway down, I was having so much fun! I went back a second time, then had to leave for a photography lesson. Rappelling is now a new interest. :)
But I had to have a little bit of trust. Mike made it clear that the hardest part of rappelling is the emotional part. Boy, was he right..we were all scared, even the boys (though they didn't really show it).
Everyone gave their insight but, for me, rappelling was good for me because it got me out of my comfort zone, and I had to apply some trust-In my friends, my instructor, the rope, and God. Most of us found that the hardest thing was to relax, lean back, and stop gripping the rope so tight (if you grip it, you stop midair).
Hmm..doesn't that sound like most people when they first come to God?
That's what I got from it..I felt like it was a great visual of what its like to learn to trust God. It's hard, and scary (at least for me..if its easy for you to trust, tell me how you're doing it, I'd like to know!), but once you let go and relax, it feels so natural! Once I actually started rappelling, I thought, "Hey, this isn't so bad!"
So tonight, I'm thankful for:

*A chance to start over with God. Though there is pain in the night, joy comes in the morning.
*Jammiquacks!! don't ask..
*Great friends
*A new element of trust (very small, but it's a start).


  1. QUACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL! LOVE YOU, GAB!! =)

  2. Great Gabby, there's a spider on my shoe!!!

  3. Great Gabby! Glad about the trust. <3

  4. Ya, so am I..even though I'm not too comfortable yet:P
    It was such a great trip though!! Rocking Ron is our pastor by the way. XD
