Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mat Kearney, Down

Can you hear when we call
There where we fall
Standing with our backs against the wall
Top of our lungs
Baby when all you see is darkness
Coming down now
We all need forgiveness
It's coming down now

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beat Up That Car!

A few years ago my friend and i volunteered to help with a carnival. We got there at eight, ran a booth until noon, then we let someone else take over so we could get lunch. We had a little spare time, so after I got my face painted, I went across the street to play a game where you get to beat up a car. Yup, you read that right. No typos. They'd had a useless old car towed to the carnivals' location, and all around the car there was yellow caution tape. Kids took turns grabbing a hammer, mallet, or bat and after putting on gloves and safety glasses, walked up and took a whack. As I waited in line and watched these kids, some of them my age, I noticed how most of them didn't really do anything. The ones who did busted out windows, but there are only six possible to bust out and it didn't take long before there weren't any windows left to smash through. After that, most didn't even leave a small dent.
And were they driving me crazy? Um YEAH. I mean come on, when else would they get an opportunity to beat up a car and it be ok?
It was my turn. My hands tingling, I grabbed a bat, stalked up to the cafr, and beat the tar out of it. I used to have some pretty serious anger issues, and at that point, I was sick of my life. I walked away from the car when I was done leaving four large dents in the hood, two on the side, and the drivers side door hanging on one hinge.
What am I getting at? Well, let's say that car represents this world's sin, pain, and unbelief. Picture those kids barely making a small dent as the Christians doing nothing about it except for the few of us who did.
Yeah. Ouch. Didn't see that coming, did you?
We have got to stop being so afraid of looking like freaks and start helping lost people find home! Why do you think they call us Jesus freaks? Believe it or not, people see a difference in Christians. Even if you really aren't showing your faith very much, they can still see that you're different. Trust me, I've been that person. We gotta get a move on and start hauling butt on that car. Don't just give the hood a tiny little dent, shatter the windows of unbelief, knock a big ol' hole in sin and pain. Come on people! Let's get this show on the road! Lol feel free to go Carrie Underwood and carve your name in the leather seats. XD
That's my 2 cents for today;) see you next post, and remember your fellow man!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Tonight I'm feeling pretty good:) I've been talking to a girl named Kirstyn for a month or two now, and she is the best! That girl always brightens my day. I hope she's coming to Thanksgiving (a family gathering on my moms side that we go to every year)
Friends are important. If we put them in the right place. God first, then family, then friends. Right now I have to really focus on my family, and a lot of my friends have sort of dropped out of my life-including my best friend.
You know, even though that really hurts, it makes me realize who my true friends are. My good friends are sticking with me through this even though I can't give them as much time right now. And when I think about it that way, it's really not so bad! Letting go of those the friends that weren't going to stick by me has brought me closer to God and the most important people in my life.
It's all about balance. Have you been balancing your relationships? Who are you putting first? Do a little heart check and you can email me at to let me know what you find and talk a little more about it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Really Matters

These past few weeks have left us all feeling very empty. We're all just trying our best to push through these hard times, you know?
but even though we are all broke, drained, and having our patience tested to the max, we have really enjoyed each other the past couple of days. We have played lots of Wii together! Right now I can hear Spencer, Asher, and Kelsey playing Mario:) I made popcorn last night and aunt Candace played some Wii Sports with us. We all had a good laugh when my dad told Mary that the Kool-Aid he was drinking was medicine so he could live. LOL!
I will admit that I haven't laughed as hard as I have these 2 days in a really, really long time. We 'big people' sometimes get so caught up in our lives that we forget what's really important. It's not about friends, it's not about success, it's not about money, it's all about Jesus. He's not being selfish when he asks us to focus on him, to give him all the attention. He knows that we need something higher than ourselves to put our trust in.
It has taken me fourteen long years to get this basic point, and I still have trouble wrapping my mind around it.
God really, really, loves us. Like, a lot. I don't really know what he sees in me personally, and I honestly think he's crazy, but its true! Even though I've done things I'm not proud of, neglected important things, and have sinned just like everybody else...
He still loves me.
So here's what I want you to do. I want you to think about this when you're done reading. Read your Bible. Talk to God about it. Have you been focusing on him lately? Or have you been distracted by your life, whether it's good, hectic, or not so good?
The truth is, we all get distracted. I've done it time and time again...but soon as I turn my attention back to him, its like I'm relearning what he already told me and I'm like, "oh yeah! I almost forgot that."
So spend some time with God! Especially if you're feeling empty. You can try anything and everything to fill yourself up when you're empty but, take it from someone who has been down that road a million times-nothing will satisfy you like Jesus will.
Focus on what really matters today.

My song for today:

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of the sudden, I am unaware
of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me
and oh, how he loves us
Oh, how he loves us
how he loves us all
He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of the sudden I am unaware
Of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me
Oh, how he loves!
yeah he loves us
Oh, how he loves us
oh how loves
and we are his portion
And he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If his grace is an ocean
We're all sinking
And heaven meets earth
Like an unforeseen kiss
And my heart turns violently
inside of my chest
And I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
Oh, how he loves us
Oh, how he loves us
How he loves us all

That's David Crowder Band, How He Loves if u wanna check it out.

Thanks for reading! Adios!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

love the little people

So this morning I woke up around eight thirty to see that everyone was gone but Olivia and I.
I was a little confused. Ok, I thought. Dad is at work, Kelsey went with Cindy to go pick peaches, and candace and the girls stayed at Nana's last night..
So where was mom?
Apparently she went to go get some breakfast because she was feeling sick and had a headache. As most of you who will be reading this blog already know, my mom is pregnant again! We are hoping for a boy, because we have enough girls already!
Now don't misread me. I love kids! When I get impatient with them (it's kinda hard not to. Put a two yr old, three year old, and a four year old in the same house and you get the picture), I just remember that I was their age too. I was once a four year old begging my incredibly busy mom to play with me. I know a lot of people, especially teens,don't like kids. I think that's really sad! We should be paying attention and be good examples to little kids. After all, they are the future of this world. We should be good examples for them, because they look up to us.
this is a really important thing for me right now. With the girls living in my house, I'm basically their 'mom' until mom gets back. They haven't seen their parents much lately, but today Jeff and Candace took them out to eat and run errands with them. When they stopped by a few minutes ago to drop them off, they ran back to their their dad three times saying every time, "Just one more hug, daddy. "
my heart literally broke for them.
Right then was when I really realized just how much they were missing their parents and siblings. It also made me feel more dedicated in doing a good job raising them until these next few months
are over.
So love the little people! You never know how much of an impact it will have on them when they think about you later in life.
Adios amigo!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Hey everybody! Took me a while to figure this thing out, but this is my first post on here. Woot woot!
I mostly started this blog because I was trying to find Paytons blog, & I wound up getting sidetracked making one of my own. Haha! I won't be able to post very often because, like I said
when I was writing in the 'about me' space, my life is crazy busy!
I'm about to go make dinner, so I gots to go..

All I have to say is while you are reading my blog, enjoy the ride and I hope you like roller coasters;)