Friday, September 9, 2011

With God and A Little Caffiene

Oh, I'm so tired this morning..getting up early and staying up late is really taking it's toll on me. I'm realizing that I need God more than I think..I'm so used to going through life on my own that I get confused when I think about the idea of resting in Him.
So I've gone a week or two avoiding that topic with God. But last night I gave in. I set my school books aside and let myself relax.
How we take such things as this for granted! Just sitting there letting my exhausted self chill for a while, and knowing it was ok, meant everything to me.
Isn't it funny how God knows stuff like that?
Even though last night was yet another sleepless night, I think I can get through today.
With a little caffeine;)


  1. You go girl! I know what you're saying about avoiding issues with God... but it's funny how he always brings them up eventually. <3

  2. Oooh ya..he really snuck up on me too;)

  3. I've noticed that when God's trying to get a point across to me, He repeats Himself...a lot! I usually know when He's trying to tell me something when I keep getting the same signal! =) Just keep your heart open to Him, Gab, and never shut Him out! He wants your heart more than anything, and He is always pursuing you. He loves you more than you'll ever know! =) I think everybody needs to be reminded of that every now and then. Love you!

  4. Oh that was really sweet Petie. I used to shut Him out a lot but like you said, He kept coming after me. So here I am, and I'm realizing that He's pretty dang amazing! Thanks for the advice, love you too!
