Sunday, September 11, 2011


I don't think anyone will forget September 11, 2001. I just watched a video of a woman taking a video from another first she was fairly calm and explaining what happened..then another plane came out of nowhere and crashed into the 2nd tower.
Then she started screaming as well as the other people in the room, "OH MY GOD, ITS TERRORISTS!! What do we do?!?"
I remember when I found out about it. The sirens in OKC started sounding and my dad started freaking out, and since there wasn't any bad weather, he knew it could be something much more serious.
It was on every channel, people saying, "twin towers! Twin towers!"
And to think people saw that up close..
Today my mom and I were talking about 9/11 when Kelsey piped in and said, "So what exactly happened on September 11?"
Then it dawned on me that these kids under the age of 12 don't even remember that day, and some not even born yet.
Folks, do not EVER forget what happened. Ever. Tell your kids, tell your siblings. This is something that will be in school history books.
I saw a man on a bridge this morning waving a big American flag. Thank you, sir, for your rememberance.
We will never forget.