

Hey! My name is A'lexxis. This is my story about my struggle.
It all started in middle school...close to the end. It was all happening in my classes. In science, a group of guys would call me a lot of different things like ogre, Fat Buffalo, Ugly Mexican. They would ask me a lot "where's your green card?". I would just shrug it off. That was in 6th grade. It wasn't that bad; I thought it was a one time thing. I was wrong.
7th grade came (now). The beginning was great; I made some new friends and caught up with old friends. Well, after about 2 months people started calling me names out of nowhere. But this time it was worse. They would say stuff like "Go die", "You're worthless here", "No one loves you, "You take up too much space in the world", etc.
I got into a deep depression, and that's when I started cutting. I told my closest friend that I cut and that was a big mistake. She told one person and that's when half of the 7th grade knew. People would not stop asking if they could see my cuts. Don't they know it's embarrassing? I was starting to go really downhill and all I wanted to do is stay home and do nothing. But home wasn't safe either. My dad has been abusive towards me, both physically and verbally and it was hard to handle.
After a month, I began to realize that cutting was only taking me further into depression, and one day I decided to stop. I no longer wanted to see those monsters on my arm, and knew that nothing I was going through was worth harming myself. I am proud with what I have, and I know that even in my sin, God will always see my good side and loves me.

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