Monday, June 18, 2012

And the years go by...

Where does time go? It feels like 7 years ago was just yesterday...
I remember the Summer the Montgomery family lived with us. Us kids would play outside all day long, making mudpies, playing "wolves", "maids", and once we even got big building blocks and tried to build a wall that would cut the yard in half. We never finished, but I thought it was pretty impressive. Then at night, we'd all go to our room while the adults played cards, and we'd play with our Barbies for HOURS. Or we'd play computer games, American Idol, or make up our own. One game we made up we took turns jumping off of the bed and banging ourselves against the closet door. I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall that night! It's amazing what four cups of coffee and being allowed to stay up past midnight will do to a kid.
I remember when I'd go to the back of the yard where there was a concrete slab, and throw bricks down on it just because I liked watching them shatter. And all the plays and dances we made up....I directed them all of course. Then after showing the parents, we were all so proud of ourselves...
I remember the many times we fought, though. It was amazing, the things we actually got all worked up over...what was even more amazing was how quickly we got over it and apologized.
I've been thinking a lot about the future lately. I seriously wonder if I'm going to come out of these years in one piece...sometimes it's all I can do to get out of bed in the morning. How am I going to meet all my goals for my life doing THAT?
But then I remember how far I've come. Gosh, I can't believe I've made it this far. I'm going to be 16 this year! Can you believe it??
Looking back on the years is difficult for me sometimes. There's some really tough stuff back there. There are things I wish never happened; decisions I've come to regret. But there are also great memories that still make me laugh when I think of them. We were all so ornery, I'm surprised we got away with what we did!
Looking back reminds me that even when things look hopeless, there is still an answer. It reminds me to be thankful for what I have been given, to be proud if what I have achieved, and to work on what I haven't. It reminds me that I need to make the most of the time I have, because I don't know if it's short or long.
And it reminds me to sit back and enjoy life when I get the opportunity, because time is something I will never get back.
Man...where does the time go?

And the years go by like stones under rushing water. We only know, we only know when it's gone...
--Need To Breathe


  1. know, I'm 16, and I have the same feelings. Now, us teenagers look for different kinds of fun. Like hanging out with friends, make that trying to hang out with friends more, have friends you never used to. And hanging out more with guys and gals (without it feeling incredibly awkward!!!). At least, for me anyway....

  2. Yeah. Adults think we're too young to be feeling like this, but they don't know how early kids mature these days..
