Friday, March 16, 2012

Blogging Block

So, every writers worst fear is called 'writers block', where you are on a roll with tons of fresh ideas, and one day you sit down at your computer to work on another chapter in your book, and you realize you are stuck. Just..stuck. You have nothing to write. Absolutely nothing..

I know, it's a very bleak experience.

Well, I have some serious block going on, but not with my's my blogging! I haven't taken any exciting pictures in the last week, I've had nothing but depressing things happen, and other than that, there is nothing to write about..I'm stuck!!

If you would all be so kind, I'm going to take a little vacation..from my blog. I don't know how long, but I'm just going to consider this my coffee break to recharge and get my wheels turning again. They're stuck in some major mud right now..

While I'm at it, I could use a break from life, too. I don't know how long I'm going to keep things quiet, or if it's even possible to silence everything, but I really need to slow down and find God again..I've missed Him a lot lately..

And besides, He's my real coffee break;)


  1. You'll still read my blog right? It's got funny stuff!!! Maybe that will even cheer you up a bit!! I hope....possibly.....maybe....huh.....

  2. Of course I'll still read your blog! :)
    And no, this doesn't include G+.
