Saturday, February 25, 2012

A "Sometimes" Moment

Sometimes even Christian people have bad days. Sometimes it's hard to keep focusing on other people instead of yourself. Sometimes I get ticked off because I get a C on test! A C, Gabby? Really?? gggrrrr
Sometimes I want to pull my hair out. Sometimes I'm just so mad I want to scream. Sometimes I get fed up. Sometimes I mess up when I'm trying so hard to get it right. Sometimes I just want to kick myself!
Every once in a while, I feel my old self creeping up on me. Sometimes the anger is all-consuming, and I feel out of control. Sometimes I just can't get away. Sometimes my mind spins like crazy until I get dizzy. Sometimes I just wanna flip my lid. Sometimes I forget everything I've ever learned. Sometimes I just want to take out my anger on anything and everything!

Sometimes I don't want to see another schoolbook until I'm dead!!

This has been a "sometimes moment" from Gabby McGee. In case I have scared you, don't worry. I'm just venting. This is not a regular thing for me to do. In a few minutes, I'll be back to my "always" state of mind--I will remember my Jesus who loves me even when I'm out of control. I will get back to singing soon. But for now, I'm really ticked off, so bear with me.

Now to find a pillow to scream my head off into..


  1. Who doesn't love screaming into pillows, best therapy ever. But try drowning in some good music too, that ALWAYS helps me... :)

  2. Yeah, after making this post, I blasted my iPod for about 15 really helped.

  3. Boy, do I have a lot of these moments....

  4. Sometimes it feels good to just let it all out, huh? =)

  5. Josh: yes, you do;)

    Petie: ooohhhhh yeaaaahhhhh.
